If you are looking for fun Halloween activities in the music class for the younger ones, make sure you check the book
Room on the Broom, by Julia Donaldson
If you have the book at home, encourage the students to predict what the story is about
from the cover.
If not use use an online picture of the book and do the same. After the conversation read the book or use the suggested video link below and watch the story together.
While reading the story aloud to the children, emphasise the two refrains that begin ‘Down!’ cried
the witch and ‘Yes!’ cried the witch. Encourage the children to join in with these sections,
always using the same intonation and emphasising the rhythm, so that they become very
familiar with the repetition of the chorus through the story.
Come up with a rhythm together and then clap out the rhythm with the children as you read.
Now agree some simple hand, face or body actions to accompany the refrains. These can
be done as part of a more physical drama/music/movement activity. Make small groups and assign individual tasks to
each one of them, Challenge the groups/children to think of simple ways of miming
the movement of the different animals as they climb on the broomstick.
Read the story again, inviting the children to recite and act out the refrains as you come to
Retell the story with your child/children, As a development, you can now ask the children to continue the actions without the words,
whilst you hum or clap out the rhythm. Focus will be on trying to keep the actions in time.
Make a Soundtrack of the story.
- Ask the children if they can think of any sounds or noises from the story. Encourage them to think of sound effects for the wind blowing, rain, splattering, frog hopping etc.
- Create a story map with pictures, together with your students to help them keeping the plot. Make some notes on when to include some sounds from the main characters, the weather etc to build tension or to show atmosphere (use the previous activity to help them). Encourage children to make the sounds using, voice, bodypercussion, tapping on the table or floor or even using some percussion instruments you have in the classroom.
- After you have finished together with the story map and all the notes of the sounds, give them time to practice and then start a performance of the story while rereading the book to them, asking the children to signal every time they come across a sound in the narrative.
- Teach the story song and repeat it every time they come across in the story. Find the song here
You can also print out and laminate some pictures to help you make a story map here and here.
You can print out the paper figures of the characters here.
More activities can be found here.
Perform the story following the map and soundtrack as part of the halloween party of the school.
Watch the story on youtube and compare the sounds used at the video to the sounds the students came up alone. You can find the video here:
Study Guide ,Tall Stories Theatre Company www.tallstories.org.uk
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